This group helps disabled people get services that follow the ADA. The ADA is a law. ADA means Americans with Disabilities Act.
Advocacy means to help or to speak up for another person. You can learn how to advocate (or speak up for yourself) and be independent.
•Provided for free: Loan out wheelchairs, shower chairs, walkers with wheels, computer equipment and other medical equipment.
For more information please call or go to the website.
103400 Overseas Hwy
Ste 243
Key Largo, FL 33037
United States

Advocacy services:
• Assisting with Social Security issues: appeals, reconsiderations, reports, overpayments, reinstatements.
• Apply for SSA disability income: Orientation in how to apply for SSA disability, initial application, appeals and reconsiderations.
• Help understanding Medicare and Medicaid and Other Health insurance: benefits explanation, plan comparison/enrollment, appeals, billing/claims, Partnership with AFA/SHINE program.
• Help applying for SNAP, and other state benefits. Partnership with DCF.
• Hurricane Preparedness: during hurricane season.
• Case management: To provide advocacy and assist in accessing and coordinating services, resources and supports in the community to maximize consumer’s independence.
• Cooking Class and Healthy Living
• Support Group: learning topics, Financial Education, Self-advocacy, Healthy Living, Health insurance etc.
Employment support:
• Resume writing,
• Job search,
• Referrals to employment supports,
• SSA Benefits Counseling and Ticket To Work Orientation/SSA WIPA project. (Community based program from SSA for So.FL)
Computer classes.
INFORMATION AND REFERRAL about resources in the community: Callers primary issues: Housing, Rental assistance, Health Care. ORIENTATION ABOUT THOSE RESOURCES AND HOW TO HAVE ACCESS.
• Assistive devices: Loan out wheelchairs and other equipment at no charge.
• Education & Outreach: Community Presentations on topics like: Disability Awareness, the ADA, SSA work incentives/WIPA/Ticket to Work, Medicare/Medicaid & other health insurance, fraud prevention, Assets building for PWD, and SSA disability program
103400 Overseas Highway, Suite 243
Key Largo , FL 33037
United States