Charlotte County 2-1-1 is a social services database. It connects people and resources in Charlotte County. Please call or visit the website for more information.
Resources Include:
- Help Paying Bills
- Food & Meals
- Employment Services
- Volunteering & Donations
- Children, Youth & Families
- Veterans
- Housing
- Parks & Recreation
- Aging & Adult Services
- Homeless/Domestic Violence Shelter
- Health & Dental Care
- Legal Services
- Government Agencies
Service Location
1050 Loveland Blvd
Punta Gorda, FL 33980
United States

Charlotte County is located on the southwest coast of Florida. The Human Services Department tries to improve the quality of life for residents of Charlotte County. Please call or visit the website for more information.
18500 Murdock Circle
Port Charlotte, FL 33948
United States