Jericho Road Ministries offers mentoring and educational classes. Please call or visit the website to learn more.
16176 Cortez Blvd
Brooksville, FL 34601
United States

Jericho Road Ministries offers a wide variety of services to those in need of assistance in the community. We aid families needing temporary shelter because of fire, flood, or other natural disaster. We also operate two shelter programs for men and women. Services include:
- Addiction recovery support
- Clothing and personal hygiene items
- Computer literacy programs
- Counseling through staff and peer support
- Daily meals and safe shelter
- Education, Vocation, and Training Opportunities
- Emergency food assistance
- Employment preparation
- GED tutoring
- Helping people be self-supportive
- Life skills management
- Material assistance as available
- Material donations to individuals with referrals from other agencies
- Mission Discipleship Program -- a nine-month transitional housing program
- Monthly inspirational newsletter
- Referral services for emergency housing and other vital needs
- Thrift Store Facilities
- Transitional Programs
- Transportation services
Stores are located in Hernando and Pasco counties. All sales go towards outreach efforts to the homeless in our community. We accept donations at all of our locations. See the Thrift Store section for the addresses and contact information of these stores. Call for more information.
16176 Cortez Blvd
Brooksville, FL 34601
United States