HHS can help you find a nearby shelter to keep you and your family safe. Please call or visit the website to learn more.
Shelters in the area:
New Beginnings Youth Shelter (NBYS)
18377 Clinton Blvd
Brooksville, FL 34601
Phone: 352.797.6199
NBYS provides safe, temporary shelter for runaways and homeless youth ages 10 to 17 until stable care can be assured. Individual and family counseling is also available.
Jericho Road Ministries
1090 Mondon Hill Rd
Brooksville, FL 34601
Phone: 352.799.2912 Ext. 103
Jericho Road Ministries is a rescue mission designed to provide nightly emergency shelter to homeless men in Hernando County.
Mary’s House
1163 Howell Ave
Brooksville, FL 34601
Phone: 352.799.2912 Ext. 109
A subdivision of Jericho Road Ministries, this shelter is designed to provide nightly emergency shelter to the homeless women and families in Hernando County.
Dawn Center
P.O. Box 617
Spring Hill, FL 34611
24-Hour Crisis Hotline and Shelter Office Phone: 352.686.8430
Dawn Center of Hernando County is a certified domestic and sexual violence center providing no- cost supportive services for victims/survivors to heal and plan their futures. Dawn Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating social change in the community and breaking down the barriers of stigma, silence and shame.
621 W Jefferson St
Brooksville, FL 34601
United States

Hernando County Health and Human Services helps those in need within the community. They may be able to help you gain access to programs for health, transportation, and temporary financial need. They are open M-F from 8am to 5pm. Please call or visit the website to learn more.
HHS may be able to help with the following:
621 W Jefferson St
Brooksville, FL 34601
United States