Senior Resource Foundation of Ocala

Service Type

The Senior Resource Foundation of Ocala is an organization designed to include seniors in all aspects of 21st-century life. From active participation in fundraising events to learning today's technology, we encourage an engaged presence and a forward-looking perspective.

Seniors at work: Employers/employees should tap into the vast pool of experience represented by the seniors in our community for part-time jobs. We will discuss the nature of the post, the benefits, and all the particulars.

Seniors' Introduction To Technology: SRFofOcala's sponsors donate new tablets. Then, SRFofOcala gives training, instructions, and, a follow-up to measure progress and answer all questions to the older adults in Ocala.

Quick Reference Guide: A handy directory to provide you with quick answers to commonly questions that you may encounter in your daily living.

Senior/Student Lunch Program: Many seniors in Ocala have grandchildren who live far away in other states. Other seniors would enjoy the challenge of learning about the world through a young person's eyes. Elementary kids would benefit from learning from those who are in experience and have lived full lives. The senior/student lunch program would bring these two worlds together and broaden the growth of each.

Volunteer Opportunities: You can share your experience and knowledge as a mentor and friend, roll up your sleeve and fix houses in Ocala, or talk to individuals as a buddy, we need your help! It only takes a little effort to do a lot of good.

Service Location

8708 SW 95th Lane - Unit A
OCALA, FL 34481
United States
