Child Health - Manatee Co. Health Dept.
The ongoing focus of Child Health Services is to stress prevention, early problem identification and parent education. Immunizations are free for children age 4 weeks through age 18 years. There is no appointment necessary. The office hours are Monday through Friday 8am to 5 pm except on the 4th Friday. Please call or visit website to find more locations.
The Child Health Program provides
- Health education and referrals
- Nursing assessment and intervention
- School physicals
- Vision and hearing screenings
- WIC certification/recertification
Services include communicable disease control including:
- Childhood immunizations
- HIV risk assessment and testing
- Testing for tuberculosis
410 6th Ave E
Bradenton, FL 34208
United States
The role of public health is to promote and protect the health and safety of all Floridians.
This is done by:
detecting, investigating, and preventing the spread of disease;
ensuring that health care practitioners meet the requirements for providing adequate care;
identifying health risks in the community;
informing the public on health issues;
maintaining a safe and healthful environment;
promoting healthy lifestyles;
providing primary care for individuals with limited access to such care from the private sector;
410 6th Ave E
Bradenton, FL 34208
United States