Ronald McDonald House provides a “home away from home” for families of hospitalized children. They can stay close to the hospital at little or no cost. Parents can focus on their child's health and keep in close touch with the child's medical team. The family can enjoy home-cooked meals and private bedrooms. There is a playroom for children. There may be a small per diem fee for a family's stay, but no one is ever turned away because of inability to pay. Please see the website for more information.
1600 SW 14th Street
Gainesville, FL 32608
United States

This charity provides a number of services for families of hospitalized children. Ronald McDonald House provides a "home away from home" for families. They can stay near their child's hospital at little or no cost. Some hospitals have a Family Room near the Pediatric unit where the family can take a break from the hospital setting. RMHC Care Mobiles travel the globe giving medical care to children in remote areas. RMHC Grants give direct aid to health care agencies around the world. High school seniors can apply for an RMHC scholarship for college. Please see the website for more information.
110 North Carpenter Street
Chicago, IL 60607
United States