
Nutrition/Meals on Wheels - Elder Care Services, Inc.

This agency has several nutrition services programs. These programs provide a hot, nutritious meal for seniors. This meal meets 1/3 of the recommended daily nutritional requirements. The meals on wheel program is volunteer driven. It is for home-bound seniors. There is no cost to the senior. Meals are delivered Monday through Friday. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Services Include:

NWF Health Network

This group is a nonprofit. This group is the network management agency for Northwest Florida. This is for child protection. It is also for substance abuse and mental health. This group is a centralized source of resources and support for community and agency partners.

TDD: 850.575.3518

Early Steps - Children's Home Society of Florida

This agency offers the Early Steps program. It is for parents with an infant or toddler with a developmental delay. CHS works with parents to enhance their child’s development. They connect the parents with the services and resources they need. There are qualifications that must be met to participate in the program. Please call or visit the website for locations and more information.

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) - Capital Area Community Action Agency

The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps people pay their energy costs when they have an unpaid energy bill. The program works to help low-income families. For the first half of the month, LIHEAP gives priority to single mothers, those aged 60 or older, the disabled, and children under five years of age. All other clients are served the second half of the month. They can help every six months, once in the winter and once in the summer.

Southern Legal Counsel, Inc.

A not-for-profit public interest law firm. Operates statewide through Florida. They are committed to the ideas of equal justice and basic human and civil rights for all. Mainly helps individuals and groups with public interest issues who would not otherwise have access to the justice system. And whose cases might bring about systemic reform. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Florida KidCare-HealthyKids

The state offers health insurance for children. From birth through age 18. It is free to apply. Enrollment is year-round. Each child is matched with the best fit of four Florida KidCare programs. Cost options include free, subsidized, and full-pay. These options are based on family income. And size of the household. Please call or visit the website for more information.