Renaissance Manor - CASL
Renaissance Manor is assisted-living for adults with mental illness. Each adult has a case manager. Meals, activities, and more services are provided. Please call or visit website for more information.
Renaissance Manor is assisted-living for adults with mental illness. Each adult has a case manager. Meals, activities, and more services are provided. Please call or visit website for more information.
CASL offers housing for adults. This housing is for those with mental health problems or disabilities. Please see website for more information.
CASL provides housing for the developmentally disabled and persons with mental illness. Housing includes life skills classes, medical and mental health care, and financial assistance.
Independence House is for persons disabilities. Each person has four rooms for their own use. Common areas include laundry and dining rooms.
Statewide agency with local offices in every Florida county. Florida Department of Health provides information and resources on health-related topics.
We will perform various cleaning and repair tasks around your home. Many of these services are intended for those neighbors who have a hard time performing physical tasks.
Please call, text, or email our office and tell us your needs. You may also use our contact form. Our office is staffed Tuesday through Thursday, from 10am to 3pm.
We will construct wheelchair ramps or other accessibility features, for those with demonstrated medical and financial need.
Typical accessibility features we'll build:
Please call, text, or email our office and tell us your needs. You may also use our contact form. Our office is staffed Tuesday through Thursday, from 10am to 3pm.
We deliver the following items, at no cost, for those with a demonstrated need:
Please call, text, or email our office and tell us your needs. You may also use our contact form. Our office is staffed Tuesday through Thursday, from 10am to 3pm.
Expressing the love of God by connecting the Church to our neighbors in need.
Our passion is to help our neighbors establish welcoming, safe, comfortable homes - physically, socially, and spiritually.
We provide the following services at no cost to our neighbors throughout Alachua County, FL:
This group is for low to no income veterans who are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless. Please call 352.240.1340 or go to the website to learn more.
Services Include: