Palm Beach
Palm Beach
Financial Assistance - Coalition for Independent Living Options, Inc
This group has multiple programs that can help with financial issues. There are strict guidelines for eligibility. Please call or visit the website for more information.
Programs Available:
- COVID Related Emergency Assistance
- Emergency Rent & Utility Assistance
- Senior Rent & Utility Assistance
Equipment Lending & Recycling Program - Coalition for Independent Living Options, Inc.
This group offers the Equipment Lending & Recycling Program. This program provides adaptable and durable medical equipment. The help is for those in need. The group also has limited funds to help with home modifications. Please call or visit the website for more information.
Clinical Services - Trustbridge
This group provides a variety of clinical services. These services are related to end-of-life care. The services help patients and their families navigate through a difficult and confusing time. Please call or visit the website for more information.
Toll Free: 1.888.441.4040
Service Include:
- Hospice Care
- Music Therapy
- Palliative Care
- Pet Therapy
- Spiritual Care
Veterans Programs - Trustbridge
This group works with We Honor Veterans. The services provided meet the unique needs that veterans have at the end of life. The services include guidance, comfort, and day-to-day support. Please call or visit the < href="">website for more information.
Toll Free: 1.888.441.4040
Services - Taxpayer Advocate Service
This agency can help with tax problems that you can’t resolve on your own. Please call or visit the website to find the office nearest you and for more information.
Toll-Free: 1.877.777.4778
Help Topics Include:
- Credits
- General Help
- Filing Returns
- Interacting with the IRS
- International
- Issues & Errors
- Paying Taxes
- Military
- Refunds
- Small Business
Taxpayer Advocate Service
This agency is an independent organization. It exists within the IRS. It works to make sure that every tax payer is treated fairly. It also works to make sure that a tax payer knows and understands their rights.
Home Healthcare - Visiting Nurse Association of Florida
This group offers a variety of home health services. They are designed to keep patients safe, healthy, and independent. They care for you in your own home. Please call or visit the website for locations and more information.
Services Include:
- Care Management
- High Risk Patient Programs
- Home Health Aides
- Occupational Therapy
- Pediatric Care
- Physical Therapy
- Skilled Nursing Care
- Speech Therapy
Samaritan Center - Catholic Charities Diocese of Palm Beach, Inc.
This group runs the Samaritan Center, which helps a variety of people. Their case managers support pregnant women and families. This assistance helps clients build the skills they need to succeed in everyday life. Please call or visit the website to learn more.
Services can Help With:
Food Pantries - CROS Ministries
This agency operates several food pantries. There are multiple locations. They also operate mobile food pantries. There are requirements that must be met to get food. Please call or visit the website for locations and more information.