
NeighborWorks America

This agency works for affordable housing for all people. They help lower-income people live in affordable homes in safe neighborhoods.
Together with its national and local partners, NeighborWorks provides grants, training and technical help to its national network.

Utility Bill Assistance - Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly

The Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program is known as EHEAP for short. It is offered by the Department of Elder Affairs which helps low-income households with at least one person age 60 and older. The help is for emergency energy related costs during the year. The payments are made directly to the vendor. Or by a two-party check to the vendor and client. Please call or visit the website to learn more.

Dress For Success

Dress for Success provides women help in finding a job or career. Dress for Success provides women's suits for job interviews. Each client who finds a job may get up to a week's worth of outfits to wear at her new job.

Substance Abuse Men's Transitional Housing - Recovery House of Central Florida

Recovery House is a non-medical, faith-based organization. It has transitional housing and recovery support for men with substance abuse issues. It uses a 12-step program. Men can get addiction education, job skills and training. Family support is strongly encouraged. The focus is to reunite men with their families and give them job skills.

You must call 407.323.5857 for an interview. No walk-ins will be accepted. In many cases, the client can be accepted the same day of approval.

Please see the website for more details.

Recovery House of Central Florida

RHCF is a non-medical program. It provides transitional housing and recovery support to men with substance abuse issues. The program requires a one-year commitment. Qualified applicants must have no medical conditions that prevent them from working. They can have no past or present sexual or violent offenses. They cannot be currently taking prescription drugs that are narcotic or given intravenously. Upon approval the applicant can be admitted the same day in many cases. Clients will get help finding a job or getting job skills. They will get addiction education and learn life skills.