Hardee Help Center - Financial Help
Service Type
Financial Help Provided:
- Food Stamp Applications
- Homeless motel vouchers
- Mortgage/Rent Assistance
- Food assistance/food pantries
- Showers
- Hurricane preparedness
- Financial education classes
- TANF applications
- Utility Help
Please call or visit the website for more information.
Service Location
713 East Bay St
Wauchula, FL 33873
United States

The Hardee Help Center works together with the community and churches to assist people in the county who are experiencing hardships by offering emergency food, clothing, and household items. They work along the ministry of the Hardee County Ministerial Association, a United Way Agency, the local Salvation Army Unit, and a Department of Children & Family Services Community Partner.
713 E Bay St.
Wauchula, FL 33783
United States