Florida Department of Commerce - Job Assistance

Service Type

The Florida Department of Commerce has employment services for those who live in Walton county. They can help you with job searching and resume writing. You may also find help with filing for unemployment. Please call or visit the website to learn more.

Services include:

  • Create a resume
  • Research career and wage information
  • Find training programs
  • Conduct and save job searches
  • Receive automatic job notifications
  • Connect to local workforce experts
Service Location

107 E Madison St, Caldwell Bldg
Tallahassee, FL 32399
United States



This department helps to keep Florida's economy strong. It provides workforce, welfare, and employment services. These services are run by the regional workforce boards across the state.


107 E Madison St, Caldwell Bldg
Tallahassee, FL 32399
United States


Source URL: https://rightservicefl.org/node/16699