Medicare and other health insurance navigation
Medicare and Medicaid and other Health insurance navigation and counseling: benefits explanation, compare/enroll plans, appeals, billing/claims, Partnership with AFA/SHINE program. Call or go to website.
103400 Overseas Hwy
Ste 243
Key Largo , FL 33037
United States

Advocacy services:
• Assisting with Social Security issues: appeals, reconsiderations, reports, overpayments, reinstatements.
• Apply for SSA disability income: Orientation in how to apply for SSA disability, initial application, appeals and reconsiderations.
• Help understanding Medicare and Medicaid and Other Health insurance: benefits explanation, plan comparison/enrollment, appeals, billing/claims, Partnership with AFA/SHINE program.
• Help applying for SNAP, and other state benefits. Partnership with DCF.
• Hurricane Preparedness: during hurricane season.
• Case management: To provide advocacy and assist in accessing and coordinating services, resources and supports in the community to maximize consumer’s independence.
• Cooking Class and Healthy Living
• Support Group: learning topics, Financial Education, Self-advocacy, Healthy Living, Health insurance etc.
Employment support:
• Resume writing,
• Job search,
• Referrals to employment supports,
• SSA Benefits Counseling and Ticket To Work Orientation/SSA WIPA project. (Community based program from SSA for So.FL)
Computer classes.
INFORMATION AND REFERRAL about resources in the community: Callers primary issues: Housing, Rental assistance, Health Care. ORIENTATION ABOUT THOSE RESOURCES AND HOW TO HAVE ACCESS.
• Assistive devices: Loan out wheelchairs and other equipment at no charge.
• Education & Outreach: Community Presentations on topics like: Disability Awareness, the ADA, SSA work incentives/WIPA/Ticket to Work, Medicare/Medicaid & other health insurance, fraud prevention, Assets building for PWD, and SSA disability program
103400 Overseas Highway, Suite 243
Key Largo , FL 33037
United States