Financial Services

You are searching for Financial Services

15 services found.

Emergency Assistance - Catholic Charities of Northwest Florida

This group helps with emergency assistance for people and families in need. Screening appointments are done over the phone. There is no income cap for most programs and services they offer. This program is offered at all four or their offices. Please call 850.763.0475 or visit the website for locations and to learn more.

Services Include:
Financial assistance for housing

Financial Counseling - Money Management International

Money Management International helps consumers identify the cause of their individual financial concerns. And then helps make a plan to address them. They are not a loan company and do not lend out money. Many services are offered for free. Others are at a low cost. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Toll Free: 800.750.2227

In-person Counseling is by Appointment Only

Services Available:

Hand 2 Hand Program - A Hand Up International

This group has the Hand 2 Hand program. It provides temporary financial relief for those in need. The help depends on the availability of funds. Please call 850.257.5786 or visit the website to learn more.

***Funding For Rent/Utility Bill Assistance Not Currently Available***

Help Can Include:

  • Gas cards
  • Gift cards for clothing and essential products
  • Rent Assistance
  • Utility Bills Assistance