Family Assistance Services

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112 services found.

Adoption-Florida Adoption Center LLC

This agency offers adoption as an alternative parenting option. They help support birth mothers and adoptive parents. Help is offered before, during, and after adoption. They also provide resources for birth parents who choose to parent. The support is offered at no cost. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Toll Free: 855.899.5683
Birth Parents: 321.250.5683
Adoption Parents: 321.766.5683

Abuse Hotline - Florida Department of Children and Families

The Florida Abuse Hotline accepts reports 24 hours a day. Anyone who suspects that a child or vulnerable adult is abused or neglected needs to make a report. You can report online, by phone or by fax.

Abuse Hotline: 800.962.2873
Florida Relay Services: dial 711 or TTY: 800.955.8771

Si usted habla español y desea divulgar abuso, llame por favor el teléfono directo en 800-962-2873 para hablar con un consejero de habla hispana.

Aid to Military Families and Veterans-National Resource Directory.GOV

This website has many resources for active military, veterans and their families. They can find agencies that will help them with housing, medical care, jobs and more. Please see the website for all services.

Important Numbers:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 800.273.8255 or 988
National Call Center for Homeless Veterans - 877.424.3838
VA Caregiver Support Line - 855.260.3274
Wounded Warrior Resource Center - 888.997.2586

Assistance - Society of St. Vincent de Paul Church of our Saviour Conference

This group offers a variety of services. These are to help those in need. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Services Include:

  • Bus Passes
  • Community Outreach
  • Disaster relief
  • Eyeglasses
  • Financial assistance for rent support and utilities
  • Food
  • Home Visits
  • Person-to-person support through Case Managers
  • Prescription Medicine
  • Thrift Store vouchers for clothing

Benefits Connection - Second Harvest

This group has the Benefit Connection Outreach Program. It helps with SNAP applications. They do the interview in person with you instead of over the phone. They can also scan and send your documents to DCF. After, they may continue to offer help with information and referrals. Their services are free of charge. Please call 407.295.1066 or go to the website for locations and to learn more.