Alcoholics Anonymous - Alcoholics Anonymous District 5
Alcoholics Anonymous helps anyone who wants to stay sober. They offer group meetings in various locations. Please call or visit website for more information.
Alcoholics Anonymous helps anyone who wants to stay sober. They offer group meetings in various locations. Please call or visit website for more information.
The NIA offers information and resources on aging. They help others learn to be caregivers. This is for a friend or family member with a serious health condition. Please call or visit website to learn more
Toll Free: 800.222.2225
Child Find helps find young children who might qualify for help under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). Please call or check the website to learn more.
Child Find provides:
Diagnostic screening
Placement coordination
Support to parents
Florida Department of Children and Families provides Child Welfare Services. These services are for children and families in need. Please call or visit the website for more information.
Services Include:
C.A.R.E. offers group and individual counseling sessions for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence. They are able to offer multilingual assistance.
24 Hour Crisis Hotline: 941.627.6000
Englewood Area: 941.475.6465
Hearing/Speech: Impaired Dial 7.1.1
Florida Relay: 1.800.500.1119
Please call or visit website for more information and resources.
This government group offers victim advocates and helps them apply for the Crime Victim Compensation. Eligibility conditions may vary. Please call or visit the website for locations and more information.
Also visit Here for even more information
24-Hour Victim Helpline: 877.623.3435
The Program may Help you get Compensation for:
The Agency for Persons with Disabilities helps people with developmental disabilities. The group works with local organizations and private providers to support those being helped.
Please call or visit the website for more information.
American Red Cross offers disaster assistance. Services for those in the Armed forces are available as well. Their programs and services are open to all. Please call 941.379.9300 or visit their website to learn more.
This group runs the Florida Domestic Violence Hotline. It is staffed by attorneys. They offer advice on various legal issues. The services are for survivors of domestic or dating violence. As well as survivors of stalking or human trafficking. Translation and interpretation services are available free of charge. Please call or visit the website for more information.
Domestic Violence Legal Helpline: 850.385.0611
Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline: 800.500.1119 Option 3
Our goal is to ensure young children have access to high quality early care and education. Please call for more information.