Transportation Services

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15 services found.

(FDOT) 511 Traveler Information System-The Florida Department of Transportation

This system is a free phone and internet resource that provides real-time traffic information for all of Florida. Callers can also access public transit, airport and seaport information. Please call or visit the website for more info.

  • Accidents
  • Commuter Travel Times
  • Congestion
  • Construction
  • Lane Closures
  • Severe Weather Affecting Traffic

Connexion Paratransit Services - JTA

Connexion is JTA's paratransit service. It provides transportation services to disabled and disadvantaged riders unable to use the fixed route buses or rail service. There are fees for each ride. Assessments for the service are done in person. Please see the website for more information.

Important Numbers:
Cancellations: 904.265.8927
Customer Service: 904.265.8928
Eligibility Center: 904.265.6001
Reservations: 904.265.6999
TDD: 904.636.7404

Direct Aid Program - National Kidney Foundation of Florida, Inc.

This group has a direct aid program. It is meant to help patients who need financial assistance. There are eligibility requirements that must be met for a patient to qualify. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Toll Free: 800.927.9659

Grant Assistance includes:

  • Food Grants
  • Medication Grant Program
  • Transportation Grant Program
  • One-Time Emergency Grant Program

Domestic Violence & Human Trafficking (Lucha) Program-Americans for Immigrant Justice

Lucha is for those dealing with domestic violence and human trafficking. There is free legal help for immigrants. You can get healthcare and mental health counseling. They can help with housing, school, and jobs. They help with banking, taxes, and earning a driver's license. See the website to learn more.

Call 305.573.1106 ext. 1400 or email for help.

Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged-Florida Department of Transportation

The (FDOT) has a group called the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged. They help those who need to get good and affordable transportation. This service is available in all 67 counties. To use it, you need to meet certain requirements. For more information visit their website.

Office Location:
3185 S Blair Stone Rd
Tallahassee, FL 32301