Financial Services

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8 services found.

Emergency Assistance - Catholic Charities of Northwest Florida

This group helps with emergency assistance for people and families in need. Screening appointments are done over the phone. There is no income cap for most programs and services they offer. This program is offered at all four of their offices. Please call 850.763.0475 or visit the website for locations and to learn more.

Services Include:
Financial assistance for housing

Homeless Services - Waterfront Rescue Mission

The Mission exists to help make the community a better place. A better place to live, work, and enjoy for everyone. They offer a hand-up to those who are determined to rebuild shattered lives. This is done by using proven, faith-based principles. That transforms lives and combats homelessness, poverty, and addiction. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Homeless Services:

Project90 - 90Works

The Project90 program offers case management. It provides a community of care for customers. They help people reach self-sufficiency in 90 days. It also teaches them lifelong skills. These skills will let them stay self-sufficient and eventually thrive. The program is for veterans. Please call 855.909.6757 or visit the website to learn more.