A Safe Haven For Newborns-The Gloria M. Silverio Foundation
Safe Haven for Newborns is here to help pregnant women of all ages. The group offers a variety of services.
Safe Haven for Newborns is here to help pregnant women of all ages. The group offers a variety of services.
Florida Housing Finance Corporation provides a way to find affordable housing. All of this can be done online, for free. You can search for affordable housing around the state of Florida. Please visit website for more information.
HUD is a federal government program. It stands for Housing & Urban Development. It can help you avoid foreclosure. They can assist with finding help, avoiding scams, and knowing the law. Please call or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.
Toll Free: 800.225.5342 (Federal Housing Administration Resource Center)
Brehon House is a safe house in Tallahassee. It is for homeless, pregnant women and their infants. It is free. They provide support for women and their babies who are up to three years old. Please call 850.656.7110 extension 2 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.
The Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSSP) provides support and skills to low-income people. The program helps people go from economic crisis to stability.
Services include:
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps people pay their energy costs when they have an unpaid energy bill. The program helps low-income families. For the first half of the month, priority is given to single mothers, people 60 years or older, disabled people, and children under five years of age. All other clients are served the second half of the month. Please call or visit website for more information.
Website: http://capitalareacommunityactionagency.com/about-crisis/
Chelsea House is a faith-based housing program for women and single mom families. Please call 850.297.1113 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.
This program offers child protection services. They can also work with other agencies to meet your needs. Please call or visit the website for locations and for more information.
Services Include:
This group provides safety car seats for children 5 to 100 pounds. The car seats are adjustable and meet safety standards. They are for families with low incomes. The group also teaches vehicle safety awareness when families are driving with children. Please visit the website for more information.
This group has a direct aid program. It is meant to help patients who need financial assistance. There are eligibility requirements that must be met for a patient to qualify. Please call or visit the website for more information.
Toll Free: 800.927.9659
Grant Assistance includes: