Daily Needs Services

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46 services found.

Supportive Services for Veteran Families - 90Works

SSVF is a program for very low-income veterans and their families. They provide case management and supportive services. This is to help to prevent the loss of a veteran’s home. They will work with you to help to find the situation that best fits your needs. SSVF also offers rapid rehousing services for clients who do not have shelter. SSVF does not provide emergency assistance for rent or utilities. All clients receive Project90 services as well. Please call 855.909.6757 to learn more.

24/7 Veterans Crisis Line: Dial 988 then Press 1

The Children's Neighborhood - Children in Crisis, Inc.

The Children's Neighborhood is a group of buildings that have different purposes. There is an emergency shelter for children. There are foster homes for abused, neglected and abandoned siblings. The Neighborhood Center has offices for counselors and case workers. The Teen Transitional Housing consists of a Girls' Apartment and a Boys' Apartment. Please call 850.864.4242 or visit website for more information.