Healthcare Services

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64 services found.

Access Florida - Florida Department of Children and Families

Access Florida has the Food Stamp Program(EBT) that helps people with low income to buy healthy food. The application can be done online. Please see the website for your local service center. The application is also used for Temporary Cash Assistance, Medicaid, and all other Department of Children and Families services.

Deaf/Hearing Impaired:
Florida Relay 711 or
TTY: 1.800.955.8771

Connections Referral Program - Mental Health Association of Central Florida

This group has the Connections Referral Program. It gives free information and referral services. The help is for people looking for mental health information and providers. It can be for themselves, family, or friends. Their database has many groups who can help with mental health, treat addiction, and give community care.

Please call 407.898.0110 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.