Goodwill Industries - Gulf Coast
Goodwill offers a variety of programs and services to help those in need in the community.
Goodwill offers a variety of programs and services to help those in need in the community.
This program/card is a drug coupon. It is not insurance. The program/card is free for everyone. There are no restrictions to use it. It can get you discounts on brand name and generic drugs. Please call or visit the website for more information.
This group is a medical company. It offers statewide discount prescription help. It has nothing to do with the government.
This agency can help with tax problems that you can’t resolve on your own. Please call or visit the website to find the office nearest you and for more information.
Toll-Free: 1.877.777.4778
Help Topics Include:
This agency is an independent organization. It exists within the IRS. It works to make sure that every tax payer is treated fairly. It also works to make sure that a tax payer knows and understands their rights.
Statewide agency with local offices in every Florida county. Florida Department of Health provides information and resources on health-related topics.
The FDOT runs the Safe Mobility for Life Program. One service they offer is called Find a Ride Florida. It offers seniors access to local medical and non-medical transportation options. This is to help make sure they can remain independent within their communities. Find a ride does not offer any services. The program just helps people find transportation providers in their area. Please call or visit the website for more information.
Mercy Medical Angels offers transportation programs. They help with non-local medical-related treatment travel. Gas cards are available for multiple trips that total over 50 miles. The programs do not give rides.
Services include:
This program helps with transportation. They can help with medical related travel. The trip may not be more than 200 miles one way. Please visit website to learn more.