Senior Resource Association helps with transportation by offering GoLine. GoLine is the Indian River County Public transit system. The bus service runs on 14 fixed routes throughout the County and in Barefoot Bay. Riders take GoLine buses to dozens of locations throughout the area. GoLine buses operate weekdays from 6 am through 7 pm. Saturday service is offered on several routes from 8 am to 5pm. Riders under the age of 12 must have an adult with them. There is no charge to ride the bus. Instead, GoLine passengers are encouraged to make a donation to help support the bus system. Please call or visit website for more information.
694 14th Street
Vero Beach, FL 32960
United States

Senior Resource Association provides programs for active older adults. They assist seniors and their families in finding resources. They also deliver services that meet a senior’s individual needs.
- Adult Day Services
- Case Management
- Emergency Home Assistance for the Elderly Program (EHEAP)
- Information & Referral
- Nutrition
- Transportation
694 14th Street
Vero Beach, FL 32960
United States