Monroe County In-Home Services is a program that serves elderly persons and/or disabled adults. The program goal is to offer an alternative to nursing home placement. They also help individuals in their own homes or the homes of family or friends. Call for more information or go to website.
Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm
- Age and Disabled Adult Medicaid Waiver Program
- Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative Program (ADI)
- Community Care for Disabled Adults
- Grievance Procedures
- Home Care for the Elderly Program (HCE)
- Older Americans Act : Title III-B and III-E
Historic Gato Cigar Factory
1100 Simonton St, Ste 1-190
Key West, FL 33040
United States

Monroe County Florida In-Home Services is a program that operates under the Monroe County Department of Social Services. They work as a provider of in-home support services to frail, impaired elderly persons and/or disabled adults. The programs goal is to offer an alternative to nursing home placement. They also help individuals in their own home or the homes of family or friends.
- Age and Disabled Adult Medicaid Waiver Program
- Community Care for Disabled Adults
- Grievance Procedures
- Home Care for the Elderly Program (HCE)
- Older Americans Act : Title III-B and III-E
1100 Simonton Street Suite 1-190
Key West, FL 33040
United States