Family Assistance Services

You are searching for Family Assistance Services

1202 services found.

Adoption-Florida Adoption Center LLC

This agency offers adoption as an alternative parenting option. They help support birth mothers and adoptive parents. Help is offered before, during, and after adoption. They also provide resources for birth parents who choose to parent. The support is offered at no cost. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Toll Free: 855.899.5683
Birth Parents: 321.250.5683
Adoption Parents: 321.766.5683

Camp Boggy Creek

Camp Boggy Creek is a year-round camp for children with serious illnesses. They are given the chance to have fun at camp. Camp Boggy Creek also has retreat weekends for the whole family. There is no charge to families. Please call 352.483.4200 or go to the website to learn more.


This is a Family Help program for those with ungovernable youth. Services are provided to families on a voluntary basis.

Case management and referrals.
Individual, family and group counseling.

No family is denied services based on an inability to pay.

Please call or see the website for more details.