Teen Services

You are searching for Teen Services

254 services found.

Independent Living-Camelot Community Care

Camelot coordinates Independent Living Services to older teens in the child welfare system. Services include life skills training, education coordination and support services. They also have job coaching and financial skills training. The goal of this program is to prepare teens in foster care for adulthood and self sufficiency.

They also assist young adults who have already aged out of the foster care system.

Please see the website for more details.

Youth Shelter- CCYS

Someplace Else is a fully licensed youth shelter. Services are free.

  • 24 hour awake supervision
  • counseling for youth and their family
  • instruction in goal setting and personal development
  • referrals for external services when appropriate
  • unique "time-out" program providing parents and children a cooling off period

4-H - Dixie County

4-H Projects are fun educational hands-on learning experiences. It is for youth ages 5-18. 4-H helps youth develop their skills and talents to the fullest. It is open to everyone. Please call for more information.

4-H Projects Include:

  • Animal science
  • Clothing
  • Community service
  • Computers
  • Public speaking
  • Water use
  • Science and technology