
Kids Village Residential Treatment Program-Children's Home

Kids Village is a residential facility for abused and neglected children. They serve children ages 6 to 17. The home is for kids with emotional and behavioral issues. Residential services include individual, group, and family therapy. There is a school on campus. There are recreational activities such as swimming, basketball and tennis. They have a chapel, playground and educational center.

The children are encouraged to be a part of community activities. This could be a sports team, arts and crafts, music or science.

Please see the website for more details.

Mid-Florida Community Services (LIHEAP) - Pasco

LIHEAP helps those in need with their power bills. It is a one-time payment that is made directly to the power company. Households interested in applying should contact the Mid Florida Community Services office in their county for an appointment.

There are also funds for Crisis Energy Assistance. It helps households that have received a final notice or disconnection of services.

Please see the website for all services. Click on Our Programs/Energy Assistance.

You Thrive Florida

This agency assists those in need. They help them to become self-sufficient and reach their full potential. The agency is committed to continuously increasing its capacity to achieve results and improving the quality of life for all. They can help with power bills. They can help with weatherization repairs to your home to make it more energy efficient. Please call to make an appointment.

See the website for more information.

Meals on Wheels- Pasco County Senior Services

Meals on Wheels provides home delivered meals to persons who are unable to prepare nourishing meals for themselves. It is for seniors over 60. There are 8 congregate dining sites (see below).

There is usually a waiting list for Meals on Wheels. Please call 727.834.3287 to be put on the list. Someone will first make a home visit and then assign you to a route.

If you have a pet and cannot afford pet food, you may request some to be delivered with your meals. Please call 727.834.3340 to request pet food.

Congregate Dining Sites:
Dade City Dining Site
13853 15th Street
Dade City FL 33525

Galen Wilson Dining Site:
8600 Galen Wilson Blvd.
Port Richey FL 34660

Land O'Lakes Dining Site:
6801 Wisteria Loop
Land O'Lakes FL 34639

Volunteer Way

The Volunteer Way helps those in need with boxes of food. They also assist food pantries with food.
They are an ACCESS site where you can apply for Medicaid, Food Stamps, Emergency funds and Medicare Part "D". They also help with personal hygiene items.

Their Brown Bag program helps seniors with food during the third week of the month. They can also get pet food for their pets.

They also grow vegetables in their hydroponic garden.