Friendship Dining provide nutritious, healthy food to people 60+. A suggested donation of $3 is asked to help cover the cost of the meals. While no one is denied a meal if unable to pay, the contribution helps to provide more meals for elders in the community. Please call 941.955.2122 for a list of open dining centers or visit their website to learn more.
1888 Brother Greenen Way
Sarasota, Florida 34236
2350 Scenic Drive
Venice, Florida 23493
1888 Brother Geenen Way
Sarasota, FL 34236
United States

Senior Friendship Centers is a non-profit network of centers in Southwest Florida. They provide programs, resources and services for seniors and their loved ones. They help meet the needs of people 50 and older.
Wellness & Healthy Aging
- Dining Programs
- Friendship Centers for activities and education
- Lifelong Learning
- Caregiver Resource Centers
- Caregiver Support
- Friendship at Home Supportive Intervention
- Friendship Meals on Wheels
- In-home Care Management
1888 Brother Geenen Way
Sarasota, FL 34236
United States