Service Type
Nutritious, healthy food is provided to people 60+. Come early to play cards, games and socialize.
Suggested donation of $3 to help cover the cost of the meals, however, anyone is welcome even if you can't pay.
Call to find out which one is open in Lee County.
Service Location
12734 Kenwood Lane
Fort Myers, FL 33907
United States

Senior Friendship Centers:
Wellness & Healthy Aging:
- Dining Programs
- Lifelong Learning
- Medical & Dental Clinics
- Caregiver Support
- Caregiver Resource Centers
- Friendship at Home Supportive Intervention
- Friendship Meals on Wheels
- In-home Care Management
Volunteerism & Community Engagement:
- Opportunities at non profit agencies
- Opportunities within our centers and programs
- RSVP programs
5272 Summerlin Commons Way
Fort Myers, FL 33907
United States