Home and Community-Based Services - CARES

Service Type

This program provides in-home services to the frail elderly. It helps them to stay in their own homes. Services include bathing, meals, homemaker, adult day care, companion and home improvement. It is for anyone over the age of 60. There are also services for those over 18 who have a memory disorder.

Please call or see the website for all services.

Service Location

6640 Van Buren St.
New Port Richey, FL 34653
United States



This agency's focus is on funding, advocacy, services, and programs for seniors. They can help victims of crime. They can provide an emergency 9-1-1 cell phone. They can provide information and referrals. They can give support to grandparents caring for younger children.

Services include:

  • National Family Caregiver Support Program
  • Safety Phone Project
  • Senior Helpline
  • Senior Victim Advocate Program
  • SHINE - Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Elders
  • SMP Project

9549 Koger Blvd.
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
United States


Source URL: https://rightservicefl.org/node/16803