(FDOT) 511 Traveler Information System-The Florida Department of Transportation
Service Type
This system is a free phone and internet resource that provides real-time traffic information for all of Florida. Callers can also access public transit, airport and seaport information. Please call or visit the website for more info.
- Services:
- Accidents
- Commuter Travel Times
- Congestion
- Construction
- Lane Closures
- Severe Weather Affecting Traffic
Service Location
605 Suwanee Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
United States
The Florida Department of Transportation is known as FDOT for short. The mission of the group is to offer a safe transportation system. They want to ensure the mobility of both people and goods.
605 Suwannee St, MS 57
Tallahasee, FL 32399
United States