Dental Care - Dental Care Access Foundation, Inc.
This foundation links patients to volunteer providers of dental care. It helps them get timely, quality care. There is a reduced fee or sliding scale for the cost.
Please call 407.428.1672 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.
Dental Care Access Foundation, Inc.
This foundation was formed by local dentists. In an attempt to help lower visits to the emergency room for dental related issues. The mission of the group is to provide quality dental care. For the members of the community that are low-income or uninsured. Please call or visit the website for more information.
Family Resource Center - Chapman Partnership
Chapman Partnership provides the Family Resource Center to families with children. Please call or visit website to learn more.
Services include:
- Early Head Start and Head Start programs
- FRC $tore
- Young Adult Career Academy YACA
- Early Childhood Development
- $tarting Early
- The Young Adult Career Academy
Food Pantry - Prince of Peace Orlando
This food pantry has monthly food distributions. They put food on the table for around 300 families each month.
Please call 407.277.3945 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.
Prince of Peace Orlando
The Prince of Peace Orlando is known as POP-Orlando for short. It is a religious organization. And is a Lutheran church. Please call or visit the website for more information.
Pearlman Food Pantry
This food pantry fights hunger by providing emergency food assistance. Food pickup is by appointment only. Appointments can be requested over the phone or on the website.
Please call 407.644.7593 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.