Clothing Services

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194 services found.

"Career Closet"

Our Career Closet gives you free access to nice new and gently used clothes and accessories for job interviews, work, sports, and everyday wear. You can visit the closet once every six months and pick out up to five full outfits, two pairs of shoes, and a purse. Please visit the website to learn more information.

Clothing is available Monday to Thursday, 9:00am - 3:00pm.

Identification is required.

A Place for Grace

A Place for Grace is a Christ-centered non-profit ministry. They provide food. Doors are open to, but not limited to, the low-income, the homeless, and/or seniors in need of clothes, food, and hygiene items.

Some of the Community Outreach Center's services are:

House of Prayer
GED Program
Recovery Program/Referrals
Meal Program
Emergency Relief.

Self Support Services ("Self-Sufficiency"):

Thrift Store and Donations:

Agape House - First Baptist Church of Crystal River

This church runs the Agape House. It provides free items for those in need. All that is required is a valid ID and a need. Once registered, clients can “shop” once every thirty days. The store is open on Mondays and Thursdays from 9am until 1pm. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Items Available:

  • Basic Necessities
  • Clothing
  • Household Goods
  • Personal Care Items

Alfred-Washburn Center

The center provides services for the homeless and those in need. They can get a shower or use the laundry facilities. Services are free of charge for any who come to the center. Please see the website for more information.

Services Include:

  • Food
  • Laundry facilities
  • Showers

Alpha Center, Inc.

Services include:

  • Abstinence education in the community
  • Adoption support
  • Bilingual mentors (Spanish)
  • Community referrals and networking – adoption, church, community, educational assistance, housing, legal, medical
  • Men’s ministry
  • Natural family planning education
  • One-on-one mentoring and crisis intervention
  • Parenting classes and support – provide informative video resources and mentoring through our educational incentive program
  • Physician off-site partnership
  • Post-abortion support (Project Rachel)
  • Pregnancy tests
  • Single parent support
  • STD/STI information
  • Supplies – formula, diapers, maternity clothes, baby & toddler clothes, toys, layettes, cribs, strollers, car seats