Healthcare Services

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758 services found.

Clinical Trials - CNS Healthcare

This group does clinical trials, which are research studies. They check to see if a medical device, treatment, or strategy is safe and works for humans. All study-related medication, care, and procedures are free. Compensation is available. This is based on the length of the study. It also depends on the number of visits and time. Please call or go to the website to learn more.

Click HERE for a list of health conditions that may have a clinical trial.

Community Education-Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital

This hospital has educational programs to the general public. There are topics on child health, safety and child advocacy. Other topics include parenting skills, child development, self-esteem, SAFE KIDS, CPR and quitting smoking. Topics for youth include weight loss for children and teen baby sitting training. Classes take place at various locations.

Please see the website for more details.

Community Health Centers

CHC is a community-driven healthcare group. They provide healthcare services. They offer a wide range of services. The goal of the group is to help you and the people you love stay healthy. Both Medicaid and Medicare are accepted. They also offer a sliding discount program. Please call 352.314.7400 or go to the website to learn more.

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