Healthcare Services

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757 services found.

Bradford County Health Department - Immunizatons

The BCHD offers vaccinations for all ages. They are free to all children through age 18, as Florida law requires immunization for daycare/school. Vaccines prevent serious and/or deadly diseases.

Adult immunizations include Tetanus, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis A & B, Pneumonia and the Influenza vaccine, when available. Adults may pay on a sliding fee scale. For adult pricing, please call 904.964.7732.

Bradford County Health Department - Environmental Health

This agency provides monitoring and permits to places that provide public services. Their aim is to prevent the spread of disease to the general public. They regulate all public pools and bathing places. They inspect places that serve food (schools, daycares, bars, etc.). They look into problems such as sewage leaks, failing septic tanks and diseased animals.

Please see the website for all services.

Services Include Permits For and Review/Inspection Of:

  • Disaster/Emergency Response
  • Institutional Food Service
  • Mobile Homes and Recreational Parks
  • Onsite Sewage Tratment & Disposal Systems (Septic Tanks)
  • Sanitary Nuisances
  • Swimmings Pools
  • Tanning Facilities
  • Water Systems