Jobs Services

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317 services found.

Homeless Services - Waterfront Rescue Mission

The Mission exists to help make the community a better place. A better place to live, work, and enjoy for everyone. They offer a hand-up to those who are determined to rebuild shattered lives. This is done by using proven, faith-based principles. That transforms lives and combats homelessness, poverty, and addiction. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Homeless Services:

I-Force Work Experience Program - The Arc of Space Coast

This group offers a variety of day programs. These are for the development of life skills. The programs and services are customized to the needs of the individual. In this program, the group contracts with local business partners. This is to offer paid work opportunities. Participants will learn valuable work skills. They will be paid minimum wage. The group accepts both Medicaid waiver and private pay. Please call or visit the website for more information.