Healthcare Services

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56 services found.

SEDNET - Region 3B

This agency works with other agencies. They make sure that children with mental and emotional problems can get the help they need. They help with bullying and anxiety. They also help with parenting. Please call 352.486.5240 or go to the website to learn more.

SHINE-Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders

SHINE provides health insurance counseling to Florida's elders. Their caregivers and families can also access this information. All services are free. Please see the website for more information.

SHINE can help with:

  • Long-Term Care Planning
  • Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • Prescription Assistance

Phone: 1.800.963.5337

Bradford County Locations:
ACORN Clinic
23320 N State Road 235
Brooker, FL
By appointment only
352.285.2926 or 352.285.1133
(serves Alachua, Bradford and Union Counties)

Bradford County Health Department
1801 N Temple Avenue
Starke, FL
1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month; 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Bradford County Public Library
456 W Pratt Street
Starke, FL
2nd and 4th Thursday of each month; 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Bradford County Senior Center
1805 N Temple Avenue
Starke, FL
Wednesday 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM