12 Step Programs-LAMBDA South
They provide several twelve step programs.
Programs include:
- Al-Anon Family Groups
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Co-Dependent Anonymous
- Crystal Meth Anonymous
- Narcotics Anonymous
Call for more information.
They provide several twelve step programs.
Programs include:
Call for more information.
Safe Haven for Newborns is here to help pregnant women of all ages. The group offers a variety of services.
The Florida Abuse Hotline accepts reports 24 hours a day. Anyone who suspects that a child or vulnerable adult is abused or neglected needs to make a report. You can report online, by phone or by fax.
Abuse Hotline: 800.962.2873
Florida Relay Services: dial 711 or TTY: 800.955.8771
Si usted habla español y desea divulgar abuso, llame por favor el teléfono directo en 800-962-2873 para hablar con un consejero de habla hispana.
Banyan Health Systems provide professional teams who help children and adolescents who are facing behavioral health challenges.
Please call for more info.
We offer day care and in-home care for those with memory related disorders. We provide a warm, nurturing, safe, and secure environment. Services include music, pet therapies, physical and recreational. Call for more information.
This agency serves those with developmental disabilities and their families. They partner with local communities and private providers to address their needs. Their goal is to help their clients live, learn and work in their communities. Please call or visit the website to learn more.
This website has many resources for active military, veterans and their families. They can find agencies that will help them with housing, medical care, jobs and more. Please see the website for all services.
Important Numbers:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 800.273.8255 or 988
National Call Center for Homeless Veterans - 877.424.3838
VA Caregiver Support Line - 855.260.3274
Wounded Warrior Resource Center - 888.997.2586
Freedom Waters Foundation provides Adaptive Sailing. This program teaches people with disabilities to sail to the best of their ability. Please call or visit website for more information.
This group has help for people who have been in jail and struggle with substance abuse, but haven't committed violent crimes. They have different programs to support the needs of those in jail, people who have been released, and their families. Please call or go to the website to learn more.
Programs Available:
Boys Town South Florida provides a program to parents and caregivers that gives them access to services their children need. They help to assist children suffering from mental health issues. Call for more information.