Family Assistance Services

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64 services found.

Free Phones for Hearing/Speech Impaired-Florida Telecommunications Relay Service (FTRI)

FTRI provides specialized telephone equipment and ring signaling devices. The equipment is loaned to qualified, permanent Florida residents for as long as needed. These devices are loaned at no charge. Please call or visit the website for locations and more information.

Voice: 800.222.3448
TTY: 888.447.5620
VP: 850.270.2641

FTRI Free Phone Program - Sally J. Pimentel Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center offers equipment on long-term loan with Florida residents. Residents must be hard of hearing, deaf, deaf/blind, or speech challenged. The equipment is offered at no charge to the consumer.

Equipment offered include:

  • TTY's
  • Volume/Tone Control Phones
  • Volume/Visual Phone Signalers

Please call for visit website for more information.

Healthy Families Charlotte-Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida

Healthy Families Florida offers services prenatally or at the birth of a baby to families who are voluntarily assessed as needing Healthy Families services using the validated Healthy Families Florida Assessment Tool (HFFAT).

Services can last for up to five years depending on the needs of the family. In addition to being pregnant or having just given birth, the family must reside in the targeted zip code area where services are provided and score 13 or above on the HFFAT. Families who have an open child protection case at the time of assessment are not eligible for Healthy Families Florida.

Please call 941.629.6477