Elderly Services

You are searching for Elderly Services

18 services found.

Home and Community-Based Care - Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida

Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida provides Home and Community-Based Care. These long-term services are designed for eligible adults age 60 and older, and adults with disabilities.

Services include:

  • Adult Day Care
  • Personal Care
  • Case Management
  • Home-Delivered Meals
  • Congregate Meals
  • Nutrition Education
  • Transportation
  • Caregiver Training, Support and Respite
  • Housekeeping
  • Home Health Aid
  • Legal Assistance
  • Shopping Assistance

Please call of visit website for more information.

Home Healthcare - Granny Nannies

Granny Nannies offers home health care 24 hours a day. They help people recover from illness or injury at home. So that they can avoid hospital and nursing home stays. They can help with meals. As well as housekeeping and personal chores. They also help with those who have trouble keeping up with their medications Health care is given by CNAs and HHAs. Please call or visit the website to learn more.

Toll Free: 1.800.316.2669

Senior Citizens Nutrition & Activity Program - Collier County Public Services

This group offers the Senior Citizens Nutrition & Activity Program. It is for residents that are age 60 and older. The program gives them the chance to participate in a variety of activities. These activities help combat loneliness. As well as help ease isolation. It also promotes better health for the seniors. Please call or visit the website for locations and more information.

SHINE Medicare Counseling - Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida

Area Agency on Aging for Southwest Florida provides SHINE Medicare Counseling. This program offers information and counseling to the elderly and their caregivers.

Services include:

  • Medicare Billing
  • Medicare Premiums, Deductibles and Co-Insurance
  • Medicare Savings Programs
  • Medicare Supplement

Please call or visit website for more information.