Other Financial Services

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44 services found.

Florida's Adult and Family Literacy Resource Center-Florida Literacy Coalition

FLC offers a range of programs and services. These are related to literacy and adult education. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Programs and Services Available:

  • Professional Development
  • Resources & Programs for Adult Learners
  • Resource Sharing
  • Health & Financial Literacy

Statewide Hotline: 1.800.237.5113

Hawthorne Patient Assistance Fund - National Kidney Foundation of Florida, Inc.

The NFK offers the Hawthorne Patient Assistance Fund. It offers short-term financial help. Help is for qualified kidney transplant recipients. And is to help meet the cost of kidney transplant related medications. While the patient looks for other long-term solutions. The money is paid directly to the pharmacy of the patient’s choice. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Toll Free: 800.927.9659

Home and Community-Based Care - Elder Options

This group can help with home and community-based care. Counselors can help clients understand the options that may be available. This help is a single-entry point to access a variety of programs. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Services Can Include:

  • Case management
  • Emergency alert to notify of a fall
  • Financial Assistance
  • Home Delivered Meals
  • Homemaking Services
  • Personal Care
  • Respite Care

Lake City Cabins for Veterans - Volunteers of America

The Lake City Cabins for Veterans runs the Lake City GPD program. The program offers transitional housing. It also offers supportive services. The help is for veterans. It will stabilize and help prepare them for a life of independence. Rent is based on income. A veteran is able to stay in the program for up to two years. There are requirements to participate in the program. Please call or visit the website for more information.