Finding a Job Services

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10 services found.

Domestic Violence & Human Trafficking (Lucha) Program-Americans for Immigrant Justice

Lucha is for those dealing with domestic violence and human trafficking. There is free legal help for immigrants. You can get healthcare and mental health counseling. They can help with housing, school, and jobs. They help with banking, taxes, and earning a driver's license. See the website to learn more.

Call 305.573.1106 ext. 1400 or email for help.

Veterans Inn

Veterans Inn is a nonprofit organization. Veterans Inn is a renovated motel that acts as a central resource center. The only focus of this agency is to provide a safe and supportive community for veterans that are homeless. At Veterans Inn clients will receive housing and food. Some employment assistance is also available. The goal is to support and equip veterans with the tools they need to get back on their feet. Please call or visit the website for more information.

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