Housing Services

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37 services found.

Emergency Shelter - Hubbard House

The Emergency Shelter is a safe, secure, and confidential facility. The playground has a privacy fence so children cannot be seen. Most residents have their own bedroom with bath. The shelter is a highly secure facility. Residents can safely rest and plan for their future. There is a day care center as well as a school. Please call for more information.

24-Hour Hotline: 904.354.3114

Services Include:

  • Assistance in obtaining housing
  • Coordinated family outings and activities
  • Court advocacy
  • Crisis intervention
  • Food and clothing
  • Individual and group counseling
  • Life management skills
  • Locating employment
  • Safety planning
  • Support groups

Home for Boys and Girls - Seamark Ranch

This group operates a faith-based home and family system. The Seamark Ranch is a long-term care facility. It is for children from families in crisis. They are between the ages of 10 and 16. The residents will learn the tools they need for a brighter future. Children are accepted based on need regardless of income. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Program Includes:

  • Childcare
  • Counseling
  • Equine
  • Farm
  • School (Elementary to High School)