Family Assistance Services

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65 services found.

Supportive Services for Veteran Families - 90Works

SSVF is a program for very low-income veterans and their families. They provide case management and supportive services. This is to help to prevent the loss of a veteran’s home. They will work with you to help to find the situation that best fits your needs. SSVF also offers rapid rehousing services for clients who do not have shelter. SSVF does not provide emergency assistance for rent or utilities. All clients receive Project90 services as well. Please call 855.909.6757 to learn more.

24/7 Veterans Crisis Line: Dial 988 then Press 1

Victim Services (VINE) - Department of Corrections

This program helps victims of crimes committed by Florida inmates. Through the VINE program, victims can sign up for an automatic notification service. Anyone may call the toll-free number to get an inmate's current location and release date. You may also register to learn when an inmate is released, transferred, escapes or dies. The VINE service is confidential. Please see the website for more information.

Local Number: 850.488.9166
Toll Free: 877.8.VICTIM (877.884.2846)