The Hatton B. Rogers Retirement Community - Goodwill Industries of Southwest Florida, Inc.
They offer housing for seniors 62 years or older. Must be able to live independently. Do not need a disability to qualify. Call for more information.
They offer housing for seniors 62 years or older. Must be able to live independently. Do not need a disability to qualify. Call for more information.
This group offers several senior living options. The Preserve is a continuum of care. The monthly fee depends on the size of the unit being lived in. The fee does include all meals. Please call or visit the website for more information.
Options Available:
The Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program is known as EHEAP for short. It is offered by the Department of Elder Affairs which helps low-income households with at least one person age 60 and older. The help is for emergency energy related costs during the year. The payments are made directly to the vendor. Or by a two-party check to the vendor and client. Please call or visit the website to learn more.