Family Assistance Services

You are searching for Family Assistance Services

85 services found.

Grandparents as Parents (GAP) - Manatee Children's Services

There are services that help family members who are taking care of a child instead of putting them in the foster care system. These include support groups, advocacy services, and help during emergencies. Please call or visit website to learn more.

Programs Offered

  • Community Activities- Neighborhood Support Groups
  • Community Support Groups
  • Information and Services for Adults Age 60 and Over
  • Parent Education/Advocacy

Health and Life Skills - Boys and Girls Club of Manatee County

This agency offers several programs that foster healthy habits.

Programs offered:

  • Youth of the Year - Lead * Succeed * Inspire
  • Triple Play - a game plan for the mind, body and soul
  • NetSmartz - internet safety skills
  • Passport to Manhood - for boys 11-14
  • SMART Girls - for girls 8-17
  • SMART Moves - skills mastery and resistance training

See website for more information and all locations.

Healthy Families Manatee

This group offers a free program that helps families with parenting and child development. They provide tools to make parenting easier. Call to find out if you can get these services.

What can Healthy Families do for you and your family?
A family support worker will visit you in your home to:

Home Healthcare - Granny Nannies

Granny Nannies offers home health care 24 hours a day. They help people recover from illness or injury at home. So that they can avoid hospital and nursing home stays. They can help with meals. As well as housekeeping and personal chores. They also help with those who have trouble keeping up with their medications Health care is given by CNAs and HHAs. Please call or visit the website to learn more.

Toll Free: 800.316.2669

Hope "Safe Shelter"

The Emergency Safe Shelter offers free counseling, food and clothing to to those in need. It is in a safe place. Please call or visit the website to learn more information.


24-Hour Help-Line 941.755.6805 (V/TTY)

Outreach Office 941.747.8499 (V/TTY)