Housing Services

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24 services found.

The Compassion House - The Salvation Army of Martin County

The Compassion House is a living facility. It is for homeless women and women with children. They provide a total of 8 bedrooms. Washing machines and dryers are available. They accept women or women with children who don’t have a place to live, provided they meet qualifications.

The mission is to provide the following services:

  • Emergency shelter, food, clothing and counseling for homeless women and women with dependent children
  • Help the women and children create and execute “Life Plans” (Case Plans) with the goal of having their clients achieve self-sufficiency, permanent housing and the ability to get back on their feet so that they can live full productive lives
  • Work diligently with other organizations to provide women and children opportunities for health care, childcare and employment

Call for more information.

Utility Bill Assistance - Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly

The Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program is known as EHEAP for short. It is offered by the Department of Elder Affairs which helps low-income households with at least one person age 60 and older. The help is for emergency energy related costs during the year. The payments are made directly to the vendor. Or by a two-party check to the vendor and client. Please call or visit the website to learn more.