Other Family Assistance Services

You are searching for Other Family Assistance Services

70 services found.

Florida's Adult and Family Literacy Resource Center-Florida Literacy Coalition

FLC offers a range of programs and services. These are related to literacy and adult education. Please call or visit the websitefor more information.

Programs and Services Available:

  • Professional Development
  • Resources & Programs for Adult Learners
  • Resource Sharing
  • Health & Financial Literacy

Statewide Hotline: 1.800.237.5113

Free Phones for Hearing/Speech Impaired-Florida Telecommunications Relay Service (FTRI)

FTRI provides specialized telephone equipment and ring signaling devices. The equipment is loaned to qualified, permanent Florida residents for as long as needed. These devices are loaned at no charge. Please call or visit the website for locations and more information.

Voice: 800.222.3448
TTY: 888.447.5620
VP: 850.270.2641