Group Homes Services

You are searching for Group Homes Services

10 services found.

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation - Foundation For Life Ministries

This group has a residential recovery program. It is faith-based and is between 12 and 24 months long. The program is for men battling addiction to either drugs or alcohol. Through a long-term care program, men can regain their strengths. It can help them rebuild their family relationships. They also help men strengthen their relationship with God.

Please call 407.859.3498 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.

Intellectual and Developmental Disability Programs & Services - Primrose Center

The Primrose Center works to transform the lives of people with developmental disabilities. They use a proven system of techniques. They give training, jobs, and residential programs and services.

Please call 407.898.7201 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.

Programs & Services Available:

  • Adult Day Training
  • Residential Support
  • Employment Services